
Welcome to, your ultimate destination for authentic beauty products at unbeatable prices! We take pride in offering original brand leftovers sourced directly from Dubai, allowing us to provide you with premium cosmetics and skincare at a fraction of their original cost.

What Sets Us Apart?

Authenticity Guaranteed: Our products are 100% genuine and sourced from reputable brands.

Direct Import from Dubai: We import leftover stock directly from Dubai, bypassing custom duties and enabling us to offer you lower prices.

Quality Control: Each product undergoes rigorous quality checks to ensure you receive only the best.

Why Choose

Unbeatable Prices: Enjoy luxury beauty products without the luxury price tag.

Wide Selection: Discover a wide range of makeup, skincare, and beauty essentials from renowned brands.

Convenience: Shop from the comfort of your home and have your favorite products delivered nationwide in Pakistan.

Our Mission

At, our mission is to make premium beauty accessible to everyone. We believe that everyone deserves to feel confident and beautiful without breaking the bank. With our transparent business practices and dedication to customer satisfaction, we aim to redefine your beauty shopping experience.

How It Works

  1. Browse our extensive collection of authentic brand leftovers.
  2. Add your favorite products to your cart and proceed to checkout.
  3. Enjoy fast and reliable delivery to your doorstep.
  4. Experience the luxury of genuine beauty products at affordable prices!

Join the family today and indulge in the luxury of authentic beauty without compromise!